The built-in browser <option> component lets you render an option inside a <select> box.

<option value="someOption">Some option</option>
<option value="otherOption">Other option</option>



The built-in browser <option> component lets you render an option inside a <select> box.

<option value="someOption">Some option</option>
<option value="otherOption">Other option</option>


<option> supports all common element props.

Additionally, <option> supports these props:


  • React does not support the selected attribute on <option>. Instead, pass this option’s value to the parent <select defaultValue> for an uncontrolled select box, or <select value> for a controlled select box.


Displaying a select box with options

Render a <select> with a list of <option> components inside to display a select box. Give each <option> a value representing the data to be submitted with the form.

Read more about displaying a <select> with a list of <option> components.

export default function FruitPicker() {
  return (
      Pick a fruit:
      <select name="selectedFruit">
        <option value="apple">Apple</option>
        <option value="banana">Banana</option>
        <option value="orange">Orange</option>